It is Okay to Not Feel Okay All the Time
During this really though time, we are all learning to adjust and be okay with the unknown. In my most recent post, Lead with Gratitude During Tough Times, I shared tips that helped me keep positive. Keep in mind that this was in the first month of lockdown.
I reread my own words of advice often to focus on staying positive, yet here we are. Seven months later - we are still living with so much uncertainty and COVID-19 has really taken a toll on the world. People are dying every day, companies are going out of business driving up unemployment, children are unable to go to school - on top of all of that, our country is divided and racism is still a thing. It is horrible and heartbreaking.
It is getting much harder to find work/life balance when the expectation is to be at home all the time to stay safe to protect others. I find myself working long hours, taking care of my team and neglecting my own personal needs. It it against everything I stand for. In true Libra fashion, I believe in balance. When I go my social media pages, I see everyone bailing bread, playing with their kids, or gardening. I know social media is not real but yet it does mess with me mentally. I find myself jealous of those who have the time to work on hobbies, spending time with loved ones and/or furthering their professional growth.
Today I decided that I needed to take a step back. To be honest to myself about how I am feeling. To practice self care and put myself first. Reminding myself of the airplane rule. To put my oxygen mask on first, before trying to help others with their mask. This whole time I have been making myself suffer, and therefore have not been the most effective leader. Acknowledging my own personal feelings is so hard. I know my strength is my fault. I care so much about how others are feeling and thinking that I put my thoughts, feelings and energy on the back burner. Today is the first day, I took some time back. To take time to write, decompress. I am excited to close out by saying I am going to go to bed before 10PM. This is a big deal as I have been getting little to no sleep - and one of my goals I set in January is to sleep more. Without sleep we are nothing.
“By helping us keep the world in perspective, sleep gives us a chance to refocus on the essence of who we are. And in that place of connection, it is easier for the fears and concerns of the world to drop away.” - Arianna Huffington
Reminders to Self:
I am in control of my actions and reactions. No one else.
I can and need to make myself a priority. To go back to basics and care for my needs (eat/sleep/connect with those I love (in a safe way)))
Get back on the mat. Sweat once a day to remind myself that there is more to life than just work.
Do one thing for myself (i.e. write this blog post) to keep my own sanity. To allow myself to stop thinking so much.